Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Outside

Well, the grass didn't get cut until later in the day and honestly, it was still so wet, I didn't want the babies on it. Also, too cold on the cement for them so maybe today during my lunch break. A couple pictures from yesterday afternoon though.

Dinner time.

Polaris and Vega trying to escape.

They are all so full of personality. Every day, my favorite changes :) It was so funny though yesterday. Polaris got out (as usual) with one of the doors locked and Vega was trying so hard. Atlas came up behind him, gave him a boost and he got out easily, then out came Atlas. What a good brother :)


Unknown said...

They get cuter every day.

Looking forward go hearing about their personalities as they they older and stronger.

lpellum said...

Cute story and how appropriate that Atlas helped his brother up to his name.

Unknown said...

Oh, those escapees are so cute. I'm starting to put my money on you keeping Solaris :)
